Predictive Index

The Predictive Index Talent Optimization Solution
Engagement Data LLC is a Predictive Index Certified Partner. We are proud to offer this innovative, talent optimization solution to help us provide our clients with the very best tools to find employees whose goals and aspirations match their company’s culture.
What Is The Predictive Index?
The Predictive Index (PI) is the best-in-class talent optimization tool that allows organizations of all sizes to link their people strategy with company goals for better corporate performance. It's not simply an evaluation; it's a full talent optimization platform.
The purpose of predictive index is to enable businesses to align their business strategy with their people strategy. Simply put, PI collects and analyzes data so that businesses can determine which job candidates will fit best with the company culture and be most likely to be driving factors in the business’s success. PI can also help with keeping employees engaged as well as with training and coaching.
Talent Optimization
Talent optimization is the four-part discipline that provides the framework for hiring, management, engagement, and strategy alignment. The four parts include: design, hire, inspire, and diagnose.
PI Design
Design PI is a robust framework that allows senior executives to achieve company strategy alignment and establish the teams needed to execute ambitious objectives. Design PI supplies the tools and expertise required to put a winning plan into action, as well as software and executive sessions.
PI Hire
PI Hire is an automated hiring solution that enables recruiters to make confident predictions about who will be a good fit for their company. A hiring manager is more likely to predict candidate success through behavioral and cognitive data, take control of their day with one-click interview guides, and get their whole team aligned on the right target for each role using proven science.
PI Inspire
As a manager, your tasks are infinite, yet they remain at the core of your team's success. PI Inspire is the key to creating a high-performing team that can run itself, allowing them the time and autonomy needed to be strategic. PI Inspire will help train your direct reports, forecast team dynamics, and address personnel problems quickly thanks to its strong behavioral insights.
PI Diagnose
PI Diagnose is a framework for identifying the sources of employee disengagement and developing action plans to address them. PI Diagnose supplies the tools and expertise required to get a company moving in high gear with the Employee Experience Survey, coaching, and consulting session.
Learn More About How The Predictive Index Can Help Your Business
The Predictive Index is designed to help businesses find talented employees who have goals and aspirations that align with those of the business. By analyzing personality traits, behavioral tendencies, and cognitive abilities, PI can help to ensure that businesses are hiring the best possible job candidates, as well as how to keep those employees engaged. Contact Engagement Data today to get started.